Things to do to pass the time at home

With everyone having a bit more time at home now, I wanted to find things to do that didn't involve finishing Netflix (although I have spent a lot of time on Netflix and Amazon Prime!) and thought I would share my list!

1. Read a new book
2. start a new home project
3. start journalling
4. start an exercise routine
5. tackle your to-do list
6. Do a puzzle
7. Learn a new skill
8. Write a letter to your future self.
9. Try new foods
10. Try something you have always wanted to try.

Not to say that I have done everything on that list, but it gives me something to aim for.

Tips to feel better after a bad day

 2021 doesn't seem to be getting much better, especially in the UK does it? 

On 04/01/2020 Boris Johnson announced another national lockdown and I know as a nation, we were heart broken. 

During the March lockdown depression rates in the UK almost doubled to 19.7% of adults so who knows how much they will rise this time around. 

With this in mind, and my own experience with depression I thought I would share my tips for helping you feel better when you are having a bad day with our mental health. 

Switch off

Step away from Instagram, or Facebook or any kind of social media. When we look at instagram we see many things, mostly at the moment we see people absolutely smashing life in lockdown. This is not always the case and a lot of these snippets into peoples lives do not show the real story. Put away your phone and try to avoid any sort of social media. 

Turn off the news

The news is bringing no-one any sort of good news at the moment. While its great to know what is going on int he world, looking at the news when you are having a really shitty day is never going to make you feel any better. 

Get clean

I'm not talking about cleaning your house, which is honestly probably the last thing you are thinking about when having a bad day. I'm talking about yourself. In my experience after a hard day I love to take a warm (more like hot) shower. There is something about giving my body a really good clean that makes me feel so much better. A bath is also great for some self care, but I much prefer a shower personally. 

Take some me time

When your mental health is low, there is nothing more important than taking some me time. If you have children or are still working this isn't always easy but once the kids are in bed and work is done for the day, grab. book, or a good film or run that bath. Focus on you, paint your nails, do your hair. 

Have a good cry

This is one that I don't really see anywhere but, when I'm feeling really low, sometimes there is nothing better than a good cry. I usually try to find something else to cry about, like a sad film or book - (one day or the notebook are favs of mine) and really let it out. It can defiantly be refreshing and sometimes can make you feel so much better, so why not give it a try?

I really hope these tips help you. Have I missed any that you find help?

Lessons I learned in 2020

I won't keep talking about what a year 2020 was, however I thought a positive post is just what we need to be able to look back on and remember good things about a year that gave us so much bad. 

I learnt a lot of things in 2020. Things about myself that I had no idea about before. 2020 taught me that I am stronger than I knew. I had the strength to get through one of the scariest and hardest experiences I have ever been put through. I gave my beautiful baby boy to the worlds greatest children's hospital in June and asked them to fix something that was broken. 

My tiny 6lb 6oz baby, who has grown and developed into the most amazing little boy needed to have open heart surgery to repair an AVSD and hole in his heart, and back in December 2019, when we first found out Harry would have to have surgery I never thought I would be able to get through it. I knew Harry would smash it and Sam would be fine but I thought I was going to be a mess and not be able to cope. 

When it came to it I was strong. I'm not going to lie and say I didn't cry and it didn't kill me inside, but I rallied and got through it and I came out the other side knowing that I am strong enough to do anything if it means Harry would be safe and healthy.

2020 also taught me how much I love being a mum. Before 2020 I knew I loved my son, I knew that I would do anything for him, but I always worried that I wasn't cut out to be a mum. Then in March Lockdown came and I had no choice but to step up and be a full time parent. It was a hard adjustment to make at first but I can honestly say I loved every minute spent with my boy. I got to know him in a way I never had and while it wasn't perfect I can honestly say I actually loved Lockdown and I now try and spend much more time at home with my family because I adore being a mum. 

I guess with this post, I just wanted to say, Thank You 2020, for the lessons!

Here's to a much better 2021!

What are the positives you have taken from 2020? 

21 goals for 2021 - Things I want to achieve in 2021

What a year 2020 was!

Looking back at the beginning of the year who could have ever thought that it would have turned out the way it did? 2020 was a rollercoaster of a year and honestly I was so happy to see the end of it.

For todays post I thought I would list the thing I want to focus in 2021. 

1. Learn to drive. 

2. Master new baking skills

3. Reach 5k followers on Instagram

4. Read 21 books

5. Post on social media more regularly - Follow me on Instagram here

6. See new places

7. Try new foods

9. Be more sensible with money

10. Keep up with organisation. 

11. Keep up with exercising 

12. Get better at keeping in contact with friends

13. Spend quality time with my boys

14. Stick to my skincare routine

15. Learn to do my make up properly

16. Learn a new skill

17. Try something new

18. Be more adventurous

19. Set time aside for me

20. Be calmer

21. Be more positive

What do you want to focus on in 2021? 

2020 - our year in pictures

2020 is most certainly a year I don't think anyone will ever forget. Who would have thought that we would end last year in the middle of a pandemic? I for one certainly didn't, however 2020 taught me lot of important lessons and I want to remember everything we've been through this year so I can look back and see how far we've come. 

So here is our 2020 in pictures;


We spent much of January playing with new toys! However, it was January that Harry had an accident at nursery resulting in needing to have his chin glued and a permanent scar!


February saw lots of wintery walks and a special trip to London for Harry's pre op appointment


March 2020 saw world Down Syndrome Day and my baby turn 4! It also saw the start on a very long lockdown for the UK and meant lots of home days, and lots of baking!


Lockdown in full swing for April and lots of time spent at home. We decided to attempt potty training (it didn't work) and spent lots of days in the garden enjoying the very nice weather. We also enjoyed easter in lockdown


In May we decided to try to grow sunflowers as we were home all the time


June was a massive month, we had lockdown hair cuts, Mummy and Daddy's birthday and Harry's operation that had been postponed twice before due to Covid. June also marked the end of lockdown.


July was all about recovery and family time. We were lucky enough to enjoy some freedom as lockdown was over too. Mummy also went back to work in July. 


August meant lots more time in the sun! We also were lucky enough to enjoy a Bank Holiday day out, which we filmed! you can watch our vlog here


September was another huge month in 2020 for us, as our monkey started SCHOOL!


Harry got his weighted blanket in October and we spent lots of time outside walking again!


November was Christmas shopping and visiting our favourite treat (Who doesn't love Bubble Tea?) We also decided that as the year had been hard we would decorate our Christmas Tree!


December brings us to the end of the year and my favourite time of the year, CHRISTMAS! In December we decided to get rid of the stair gates and Harry went into a single bed from his toddler bed, then Santa came and Harry got well and truly spoilt for Christmas.

And that is how our 2020 went! I love looking back at these pictures, Harry has changed so much in just 12 months.

What are your favourite memories from 2020?