Why groups on facebook are amazing!

All the way through my pregnancy I was told to make sure I went to as many mother and baby groups as possible when Harry finally got here, only that didn't really work out for me with him being so ill at first and me being so terrified of him ending up back in hospital I found that unless Sam was dragging me out I generally stayed in the house with Harry, where I knew he was safe (although part of that was also my pnd). Being home all the time I found I didn't really have any support. I didn't have friends who had newborns let alone newborns with special needs, so I felt alone. That is until I found mummy groups on facebook. There was a whole world of people out there who were there to calm my fears, who were awake at all hours of the day and who were there if I needed to talk to anyone. Soon I was posting on these groups about things not necessarily baby related as well as anything I needed about Harry. They became my friends in my phone. The people I turned to first. I shared all of Harry's milestones and they gave me the courage to get out and explore with Harry. I soon made very good friends and we met (and still meet) regularly for a coffee and to take the babies (not that they are babies anymore) for trips out.

If it wasn't for facebook mummy groups I wouldn't be the mummy I am today, I wouldn't be confident in my parenting decisions, to be quite honest I would probably still be a huge mess. But because i am a better parent Harry is a happier child. I still worry that I'm not doing it right but i wouldn't be able to parent without the wonderful mummies, that are just a click away. Thank you Facebook!!

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